This collaborative work briefly appeared in the lobby of The Wealth of Nations exhibition at Warsaw’s Centre for Contemporary Art at Ujazdowski Castle (December 1991 – January 1992), the center’s first exhibition following its conversion after the so-called “collapse of communism.” It consisted of a small mountain of individually wrapped whatevers: erasers, razor blades, candy, pills, spoons, condoms, cereal “premiums” — anything at all, as long as one thing was individually wrapped. The work was undesignated as “art” in any way — unnamed, unattributed, undated — so there was no label to ward off visitors. I wasn’t there, but I was told that it lasted about 15 minutes because they pocketed it all. My memory is that Lincoln Tobier and Rirkrit Tiravanija were involved, but no one will ever really know for sure because it was never documented.